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Withings – Bad Name for a Scale

Reading Time: < 1 minute Fitbit’s new Aria isn’t the first wireless scale. A French company called Withings has had a wireless scale on the market since at least 2009.  I believe Withings is going to fail.  The products look cool in an international space-age plastic frog design kind-of-way, but the name is poison.  I don’t know what it sounds … Read more

Endomondo Review

Reading Time: 4 minutes When I was younger, I’d go running with my girlfriend in the park.   When I chose our route, I would mix in hills (they are hard to avoid), and maybe stretch the distance a bit.   She was a runner, but hated running hills, and often  took the difficulty of my chosen route personally, as … Read more

Pomodoro Time Management

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you’re like me you just wrote down some New Year’s resolutions.  I was on the site 43Things, and I noted that someone had listed using the Pomodoro Technique as one of theirs.  I looked it up and was intrigued.  I’ve tried Getting Things Done and a few other list-making methods that promised to make me more efficient, but I … Read more

Oh Behave!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Oh Behave! may be the simplest and easiest way to parenting an obedient child. One of the age-old problems with discipline is not knowing what to do, it’s being consistent.  Giving a kid a two minute timeout should be easy.  It’s not.  First, you need a clock.  You must watch it diligently to catch when … Read more

Social Proof or Mob Rule?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Photo: When I first saw Twitter in 2008 at the Web 2.0 show, I didn’t get it.  I still don’t.  And apparently I am not alone.  A recent Yahoo Research Study showed that .05% of Twitter users generate over half of all Tweets.  I’m talking about you Justin Bieber.  (#winning.) Being in the social … Read more

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