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Vote by Mail

Reading Time: < 1 minute If you aren’t registered to vote, use this widget here from If you’re in California, you will automatically receive a ballot in the mail.

Low Carb Muffin as Functional Food? Enter Thorobread

Reading Time: 4 minutes Case Study Creation of a low-carb muffin with a low glycemic index Both of my parents had acquired adult-onset diabetes in their sixties – probably related to their lifestyle and diet. Having grown up eating many of the same foods, I worried that I too was likely to acquire diabetes when I hit their age. … Read more

Swiss Gear Backpack Review

Reading Time: < 1 minute This bag is 10 out of 10. I’ve put ten years of hard use on mine and it remains as serviceable as when I bought it. All the zippers work and there are no tears, scuffs or almost no noticeable damage anywhere. The cross-chest buckle is broken, but I never used it anyway. I mainly … Read more

Food Waste – Spoiled Rotten

Reading Time: 3 minutes The fruit rotting in the bowl on the side table in my dining room makes me sad.  Food waste. Yet every week, there are some plums or a nectarine slowly becoming browner, softer and juicier while fruit flies buzz overhead. Now, I like nectarines, and I feel so disappointed to see them ruined by sitting … Read more

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